GDVK 2020/21
03 Julie Dítětová
Jáchym Moravec
Česká vlajka / Czech Flag

In 2020 the flag of the Czech Republic celebrated one hundred years of its existence. Over time, it appeared in many different places. The flag has visited all continents, was placed on the top of the world’s highest mountain as well as at the bottom of the sea and even traveled to the moon. Its appearance could be well known to anyone, so it is important that the Czech flag is always displayed in the right way. Properly hang out flying, in the exact aspect ratio, using the right colors, well displayed and oriented...

All the rules are prescribed by law, but there is no complete and dignified presentation that would analyze the topic of the Czech flag comprehensively. And that is exactly our goal. A simple and understandable tool that will help you get to know the Czech flag well and use it correctly.


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